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Axes3D(fig[, rect]) 3D axes object.
DirectionFitPlaneWave([ws, parfile]) Fit a plane wave through arrival times and positions.

Module author: Arthur Corstanje <>

class pycrtools.tasks.directionfitplanewave.DirectionFitPlaneWave(ws=None, parfile=None, **kwargs)
Fit a plane wave through arrival times and positions.

Taken from module srcfind. Parameters taken from DirectionFitTriangles.

Outlier removal and iteration to be implemented.

Input parameters

Number of antennas and time lags. If set explicitly, take only the first NAnt antennas from Task.positions and Task.timelags.
doplot [default value: False ]
Plot results.
List with indices of antennas to be used for the plane fit. This should already exclude stations that were flagged or do not show a reliable pulse
Number of good antennas.
ignoreNonHorizontalArray [default value: False ]
Set to True when you know the array is non-horizontal (z > 0.5) but want to use the horizaontal approximation anyway
Mean direction as Azimuth (N->E), Elevation tuple.
Mean direction as Azimuth (N->E), Elevation tuple in degrees.
Mean direction in spherical coordinates.
hArray with Cartesian coordinates of the antenna positions
refant [default value: 0 ]
Reference antenna for which geometric delay is zero.
Index of antenna with respect to whom the timelags are given. If not given the first antenna is used as reference.
Residual delays needed to calibrate the array after correction for known cable delays. Will be subtracted from the measured lags (correced for cable delays) or added to the expected. The array will be updated during iteration
rmsfactor [default value: 2.0 ]
How many sigma (times RMS) above the average can a delay deviate from the expected timelag (from latest fit iteration) before it is considered bad and removed as outlier.
hArray with the measured time lags for each event and each antenna
Total instrumental (residual+cable) delays needed to calibrate the array. Will be subtracted from the measured lags or added to the expected. The array will be updated during iteration
verbose [default value: True ]
Print progress information.

Output parameters

Indication if fit failed
Cartesian coordinates of mean direction from all good triangles