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GetAngleMagneticField(theta, phi) Return the angle between the magnetic field and the shower.
GetGround(pos, cx, cy, zen, az) Returns the antenna positions on ground, given a direction and core position.
GetUVW(pos, cx, cy, zen, az) Returns the antenna positions in the shower plane, given a direction and core position.
Task([ws, parfile]) Base class from which all tasks should be derived.
ldf([ws, parfile]) Fit two-dimensional LDF as described in
leastsqbound(func, x0[, args, bounds, Dfun, ...]) Bounded minimization of the sum of squares of a set of equations.

Task: Lateral Signal Distribution (LDF)

Module author: Anna Nelles <>

pycrtools.tasks.ldf.GetAngleMagneticField(theta, phi)

Return the angle between the magnetic field and the shower. Expects angles in radians.

pycrtools.tasks.ldf.GetGround(pos, cx, cy, zen, az)

Returns the antenna positions on ground, given a direction and core position. Inverse transformation of GetUVW().

pycrtools.tasks.ldf.GetUVW(pos, cx, cy, zen, az)

Returns the antenna positions in the shower plane, given a direction and core position.

class pycrtools.tasks.ldf.ldf(ws=None, parfile=None, **kwargs)

Fit two-dimensional LDF as described in

A. Nelles et al. Astroparticle Physics 60, p.13-24 (2014), A parameterization for the radio emission of air showers as predicted by CoREAS simulations and applied to LOFAR measurements A. Nelles et al. The radio emission pattern of air showers as measured with LOFAR - a tool for the reconstruction of the energy and the shower maximum , A. Nelles et al., submitted to JCAP

Input parameters

additional_uncertainty [default value: 0.0 ]
Relative fraction of additional uncertainty.
antenna_positions [default value: None ]
Antenna positions array on ground in [Nantennasx3] format.
core_correction [default value: [28.58, -7.88] ]
Convert C parameter to core position with these factors (offset, sinusiodial factor)
debug [default value: False ]
Produce debug output.
energy_conversion [default value: [17.46, 0.47] ]
Converting A parameter to energy with these factors.
eventid [default value: None ]
Provide event ID to run the task
flag_outliers [default value: True ]
Do a second iteration of the fit and remove outliers.
flag_outliers_remaining [default value: 40 ]
Minimum number of remaining antennas to allow flagging of outliers
flag_outliers_sigma [default value: 5 ]
Remove outliers with this sigma.
full_atmosphere [default value: 1036.0 ]
Height of the atmosphere above LOFAR in g/cm^2
lora_energy_constants [default value: [1.23, 0.95] ]
Constants for LORA [a,b] to obtain energy from particles (old but robust method)
lora_lambda [default value: 220.0 ]
Average atmospheric attenuation length for LORA reconstruction
n_iterations_uncertainties [default value: 300 ]
Number of iterations for estimating the parameter uncertainty
noise_power [default value: None ]
Measured noise in power in [Nx3] format.
parameter_restrictions [default value: [0.1, 0.8] ]
Boundaries for fit if first iteration diverges
particle_core [default value: [ 0.  0.  0.] ]
Core estimate from particle detector on ground (x,y,z).
particle_densities [default value: [ 1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.] ]
Measured particle densities in the 20 LORA detectors.
particle_direction [default value: [ 0.  0.] ]
Direction estimate from particle detector [az,el] in degrees
plot_prefix [default value: “” ]
Prefix for plots
plot_publication [default value: False ]
Create publication ready figures, removes titles and collections, returns individual figures
plot_type [default value: “png” ]
Define plot type.
plotlist [default value: [] ]
List of plots
pulse_direction [default value: None ]
Measured arrival direction of air shower pulse in [az,el] in degrees.
save_plots [default value: False ]
Store plots
scale_signals [default value: 1.0 ]
At missing absolute calibration, scale signals to nice values.
signal_power [default value: None ]
Measured signals in power in [Nx3] format.
signal_windowsize [default value: 11 ]
Bins over which the signal is integrated.
xmax_conversion [default value: [230.0, 0.91, 0.008] ]
Converting sigma parameter to Xmax with these factors.

Output parameters

ldf_fit_core [default value: None ]
Store new core position separately.
ldf_fit_energy [default value: None ]
Store an energy estimate from the radio reconstruction
ldf_fit_energy_particle [default value: None ]
Store an energy estimate from the new shower geometry and the particle data
ldf_fit_output [default value: None ]
Output dictionary for fit parameters.
ldf_fit_quality [default value: None ]
Store an estimator for the quality
ldf_fit_xmax [default value: None ]
Store an xmax estimate from the radio reconstruction