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applyLORAcuts(core, moliere, elevation) Using cuts on LORA reconstruction, will yield true when LORA reconstruction is considered reliable
averageDirection(philist, thetalist[, degrees]) Averages over list of thetas and phis (standard convention), via transformation in to Cartesian vectors
averageDirectionLOFAR(azlist, ellist[, degrees]) Averages over list of azimuth and elevations (LOFAR convention) via transformation in to Cartesian vectors
date2jd((int y, int m, double d) -> double) real_t tmf_date2jd(const int y,
deg2rad((double a) -> double) real_t tmf_deg2rad(const real_t
select_quadrant(antenna_coordinates, ...[, ...]) antenna_coordinates as numpy array of shape (nantennas, 3)
spaceAngle(zen1, az1, zen2, az2) Calculates space angle between two sets of angles (convetion kartesian)
strdate2jd(strdate) Transforms a date on string form (‘2012-01-25 21:11:54’) to julian day.
toAngles(array[, degrees]) Converts kartesian (x,y,z) tp spherical theta, phi
toVector(phi, theta[, degrees]) Converts spherical theta, phi to kartesian (x,y,z) vector

Various function that are handy for cr physics analysis and more., moliere, elevation)

Using cuts on LORA reconstruction, will yield true when LORA reconstruction is considered reliable, thetalist, degrees=True)

Averages over list of thetas and phis (standard convention), via transformation in to Cartesian vectors, ellist, degrees=True)

Averages over list of azimuth and elevations (LOFAR convention) via transformation in to Cartesian vectors, core_position, rotation=45.0)

antenna_coordinates as numpy array of shape (nantennas, 3) core_position as numpy array of shape (3, ) rotation rotation of antennas with respect to North in degrees., az1, zen2, az2)

Calculates space angle between two sets of angles (convetion kartesian)

Transforms a date on string form (‘2012-01-25 21:11:54’) to julian day., degrees=True)

Converts kartesian (x,y,z) tp spherical theta, phi, theta, degrees=True)

Converts spherical theta, phi to kartesian (x,y,z) vector