====== Electro-Magnetic and Gravitational-wave data analysis ====== The Dutch Physics foundation ([[http://www.fom.nl|FOM]]) has recently approved the programme [[http://www.fom.nl/live/onderzoek/onderzoeksprogrammas/vrije_progs/artikel.pag?objectnumber=107699|Gravitational physics - the dynamics of spacetime]] in which researchers from the National Institute for Subatomic Physics ([[http://www.nikhef.nl|Nikhef]]), the [[http://www.nat.vu.nl/en/index.asp|VU University]] and the [[http://www.astro.ru.nl|Radboud University Nijmegen]] collaborate in the field of Gravitational wave research in the Netherlands. In Nijmegen, the group will focus on the synergy between Electro-magnetic and Gravitational-wave data by investigating the added value of EM data in GW data analysis. The research will address both data analysis of high-frequency (ground based) detectors as well as LISA. In addition to the data analysis, the research will include (prepatory) EM observations, strategies for optimal EM-GW synergies and preparations for observatory type GW detectors such as LISA and ET. The work will be done in close collaboration with the people at the department that focus on modelling and observations of GW sources. [[Vacancies]] Currently there are vacancies for a post-doc and two PhD students. [[Projects]] A brief description of the projects. [[Proposal]] The complete proposal [[Documents]] Documents