===== Meeting I ===== Date: January 16, 2009 Place: Utrecht, Buys Ballot Laboratorium (BBL) Room 505 [[http://www1.phys.uu.nl/departement/directions/|Travel directions]] Program: 10:30-11:00 **coffee** 11:00-12:30 **Session 1** * Introduction to what is done where * Rudy Wijnands (Amsterdam) "Compact binary research in Amsterdam" (25min) * Onno Pols/Frank Verbunt (Utrecht) "Compact binary research in Utrecht (theory)" (15min) * Peter Jonker (SRON Utrect) "Compact binary research in Utrecht (observations)" (15min) * Paul Groot (Nijmegen) "Compact binary research in Nijmegen" (20min) * Mariano Mendez (Groningen) "Compact binary research in Groningen" (15 min) 12:30-13:30 **lunch** (in Minnaertgebouw at own cost, **you need a chip card to pay**) 13:30-15:00 **Session 2** * Contributed talks (15 min each including questions) * Anna Watts (Amsterdam) "Constraining LMXB parameters in support of gravitational wave searches" * Diego Altamirano (Amsterdam) "Discovery of the Intermittent accretion-powered X-ray pulsars and their implications" * Alessandro Patruno (Amsterdam) "Coherent studies of accreting millisecond pulsars: current status and future prospects" * Beike Hiemstra (Groningen) "Truncated accretion disks in the low/hard state" * Matt Wood (Nijmegen) "Direct impact accretion in ultra-compact AM CVn binaries" 15:00-15:30 **coffee/tea break** 15:30-17:00 **Session 3** * General discussion: the big questions and possible synergies --------- For the sessions we solicit contributions, both in terms of talks as well as general discussion topics, that could fill up one session (preferably with suggestions of speakers). Please e-mail you contributions to Gijs Nelemans (nelemans@astro.ru.nl) and Frank Verbunt (verbunt@astro.uu.nl)