IMAGINE meeting


An overview of the week schedule may be found below. A more detailed program can be found in this pdf file. Lunch will be provided every day of the consortium meeting.

April 1st, 2019 (PI-only)

Location: Radboud University Nijmegen, Huygens Building (room HG02.749)

April 2nd, 2019

Location: Cultural Center De Lindenberg, Nijmegen (Room: Blueroom)
Time: 09.00-17.00
Themes: GMF Large Scales, Other galaxies and extragalactic environment
Evening: Conference dinner at Restaurant de Hemel (address Franseplaats 1, Nijmegen).

April 3rd, 2019

Location: Cultural Center De Lindenberg, Nijmegen (Room: Blueroom)
Time: 09.00-17.00
Themes: Turbulence, Technical Session

April 4th, 2019

Location: Cultural Center De Lindenberg, Nijmegen (Room: Blueroom)
Time: 09.00-17.00
Themes: Technical Session, GMF Local Environment, Cosmic Rays

April 5th, 2019

Location: Cultural Center De Lindenberg, Nijmegen (Room: Blueroom)
Time: 09.00-13.30
Themes: Wrap-up